
I have been passionate about books, reading and everything related to them for as long as I can remember.  Finding myself reading more and more, I wanted to a way to share my thoughts, write some reviews, try and keep up with local literary events and, hopefully, meet some like-minded people.   So I thought I would try a blog - bit of a leap for me as technology and I don't generally get along....but its improving.

This then is it......

A blog for my own reviews, thoughts, events and anything else I can think to include. 

I read all genres except Romance and Horror....definitely not my cup of tea.  


  1. This is a awesome blog :-)

  2. Dear Fenland Bookworm,

    Your site looks fantastic, I love the wallpaper. How would I go about requesting a review for my novel (historic fiction, takes place in the early 11th century in England, about Canute the Great and his first wife, Aelfgifu)? The novel has been meticulously researched, the people, battles and events are all real.


    Kelly Evans
